Thursday, February 9, 2012

It's Party Time!

If you’ve been wondering why this blog hasn’t been updated in a while, it’s because all of us at ANSR have been workin’ and partyin’ hard! Despite crazy deadlines and crushing year-end pressure, we had six parties/events between the end of October and New Year! Don’t believe me? Here are the pictures to prove it (Click on the pictures to view a bigger version):

Dandiya Night (Oct 21, 2011)

Who said men couldn't multi-task? Saurav Sharma Koirala, Team Lead, churning out a TB as he DJs:

Content 100 (24 Oct, 2011)
Party at the Beach, Indiranagar, to celebrate ANSR Content’s turning 100-strong and growing at geometric progression.

Inauguration of ROFL (23 Dec, 2011) (For the uninitiated, that’s R-Old-FLoor, which is now our new floor. Confused? ROFL!! :D)

Bay Decoration Competition for X’mas (23 Dec, 2011)

Financial District went all shady for X’mas

Plenty of X’mas “spirit” in evidence here!

Middle Earth gave us a wholesome, home-made X’mas
That’s Reuben the red-nosed reindeer right there.

Desi X’mas at Seventh Heaven
Presenting... Shanta Claus!

Hawk-Eye sang their way into the judges’ hearts and won the competition!

ANSR turns 7!! (29 Dec, 2011)

We marked the occasion by honouring members of our support staff who had been with ANSR since day one.

Cricket Club (Jan 2012)
All work and no play... you get the drift...

Sorry, we don’t have any pics to prove we worked hard too. You’ll just have to take our word for it. ;)